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5 Tax Tips Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

It's that time of year again — tax season is fast approaching! As a small business owner, we know you’re busy enough without stressing about gathering receipts, tallying up expenses, and rushing to file your taxes on time.

But fear not! With a little organization and foresight, you can make tax time a breeze and keep your focus on growing your business. Here are five essential tips to help you stay ahead of the game all year long:

1. Get Organized Early and Often

We all know someone with the infamous “shoebox method” of organizing receipts and expenses. They throw every receipt, invoice, and scrap of paper into one box all year, then try sorting through that mess come tax time. Does this sound familiar at all? 

As an entrepreneur, getting organized is critical for success in all areas of business — taxes included! Here are our top tips for organizing your receipts:

  1. Implement a System: Use file folders or a binderto organize receipts. Better yet — go digital (more on that later). 

  2. Categorize Your Receipts: Organize your receipts based on your expense categories (e.g., supplies, travel, telephone, stationery, entertainment, etc.). Notate the purpose of the receipt.

  3. Use Dedicated Business Accounts: You must keep personal and business expenses separate. This simplifies tracking and organizing receipts (your accountant will thank you). 

  4. Regularly Update Your Records: Allocate time weekly or monthly to update your receipt log and financial records. This prevents the daunting task of sorting through a year’s worth of receipts at once. 

  5. Educate Your Team: If you have employees, ensure they understand your system for organizing receipts for expenses incurred on behalf of the business.

Come tax time next year, you'll thank yourself for staying consistently organized versus leaving it all until the last to sort through!

2. Embrace Technology

Gone are the days of manually tracking every business purchase. Thanks to technology, you can automate expense tracking with apps like Sage or Quickbooks. By leveraging these tools, you'll streamline your processes, reduce errors, and save valuable time that can be better spent growing your business.

3. Monthly Tax Savings: Your New Best Friend

One of the most simple yet effective tax tips for business owners and entrepreneurs is to save for taxes each month. Yes, I know its not very exciting, but hear me out. By setting aside a portion of your income each month, you're building a financial cushion that will soften the blow come tax time. Think of it as your tax-time bank. When tax season rolls around, you'll be skipping to the tax office (or, more likely, your accountant's office) with peace of mind and maybe even a little swag.

4. Invest in Professional Help

While DIY is great for home projects, when it comes to taxes, sometimes it’s best to call in the experts. A good accountant can be worth their weight in gold, offering personalized tax tips for entrepreneurs and business owners.

Now we know what you’re thinking — accountants are expensive, and I can do my own taxes. Sure, you may have filed your own personal tax form without issues year after year. But once you start running a business, taxes get infinitely more complex. Accountants can provide insights tailored to your specific situation, helping you navigate the complexities of tax laws and uncover deductions you might have missed.

Consider it an investment in your peace of mind and financial health.

For all your company compliance, accounting, bookkeeping and tax service needs, reach out to us:

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5. Designate Weekly “CEO Days”

As a business owner, it’s all too easy to let the crucial tasks of managing finances and accounting tasks fall through the cracks amidst the hustle of sales, marketing, customer service, and the day-to-day running of your business! However, just as you allocate time for strategic planning and reviewing metrics, setting aside dedicated time for organizing your finances is equally important.

I’ve found it incredibly beneficial to establish what I call my “CEO Day.'' Here’s how it works: Choose one day a week and block off 30-60 minutes on the calendar exclusively for financial management activities. This time is devoted to reviewing your current financial status, updating your numbers, and crafting a financial strategy that aligns with your business's plans for the coming week. 

GET THE EXACT WEEKLY CEO TEMPLATE THAT I USE (and created for others to use too) - here

But don't just think of your CEO Day as another task on your to-do list. Treat it with the same level of importance as a meeting with your most valuable client. It's a commitment to the financial health and success of your business. Adding this practice to your weekly schedule ensures that you're not just working in your business but also on your business from a financial perspective!

Let HM Accounting Help You

Tax season will inevitably roll around each year — there’s no avoiding it! Waiting until the last minute to organize your finances can lead to unnecessary stress and mistakes. Nobody wants that.

Begin simplifying your tax process today by grabbing your complimentary copy of our “Ultimate Accounting Checklist.

GET THE EXACT WEEKLY CEO TEMPLATE THAT I USE (and created for others to use too) - here

Contact Us.

For all your company compliance, accounting, bookkeeping and tax service needs, reach out to us on any of the following channels:

Whatsapp : click here

For a Quotation : Click here

To book your free Business Finance Consultation : Click here

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