What if you could build a healthy relationship with your money? What if you could swap stress, anxiety, impulsiveness or just not feeling you are good with it for confidence? Imagine if you could improve your money relationship so you could enjoy it, use it well and feel positive. Well, you can.
Your relationship with money didn’t start as an adult. The way we are with money reflects what we feel, think and believe – and many of these beliefs you learned as a child from parents, grandparents and peers. Getting curious about your own money beliefs, and your money story and deciding which of those beliefs you want to keep, which to let go of and which new ones to introduce is the starting point for building a healthy relationship with your money. Download the Free Family Money Tree - a workbook designed to un-learn the limiting money beliefs, habits and thoughts you have developed and help you create a healthy money mindset.
Grab a cuppa, a quiet spot, pen and paper and start these 3 lists:
The mind is everything. What you think, you become - Buddha
What went Wrong?
Money tangles itself up with our own beliefs about ourselves. Are we valuable, good enough, deserving, worthy, to be trusted?
Explore the thoughts, feelings and memories you have around money from childhood.
What were you told about money? About rich people? About wealth? About yourself?
Did you experience a lack of money or scarcity, or experience loss of people or money?
Do those thoughts and emotions come up for you today with money?
Do you see any connection between how you are today with money and those memories and experiences?
Is your language with money more can’t than can? Is it negative or positive?
Get really curious and download the Free Family Money Tree - a workbook designed to un-learn the limiting money beliefs, habits and thoughts you have developed and help you create a healthy money mindset.
What went Right?
Habits, like money, are neither good nor bad. In some way or other those behaviours are helping you.
Explore what you gain from your existing money relationship.
Also, look for the times and moments of money success you have had. Perhaps you can’t save but you have a great career and successfully earn money. Perhaps not having enough has driven you to be creative, adaptable, ingenious, savvy or entrepreneurial. Perhaps you fear looking at the money but when you have done it you’ve organised things well and felt better. Maybe you’re great with the work budget, just not your own.
Seek those successes and positives and write them down.
How to Make up with your Money
You now have two lists, one starting to understand the beliefs you hold around money and the downsides and another highlighting the positives and benefits. So now look forward.
What do you want or need to tell yourself about money instead?
How would your life look and feel if you believed that?
What can you do more of that would make you feel more positive or confident
If you couldn’t fail and had no fears what would you do differently?
What you think, you become. You’re in charge of your thoughts and beliefs, and you have everything you need already to change your money relationship and makeup with your money. One-to-One Financial Coaching. Find out how I can help you build a healthy relationship with money here
Let me know in the comments below what your biggest takeaways from these prompts are.
This workbook has been created to assist you in beginning your journey to financial wellness with 5 days of guided exercises designed to clarify and transform your money mindset.
By the end of this experience you will have greater:
- clarity about your money mindset
- insight into what's holding you back financially
- understanding about your financial truths
I'm here to help you organize your personal finances in a manageable way. My clients asked: "what if we wanted to spend one weekend—and one weekend only—getting our acts together? The result is this 48-hour finance overhaul guide, which will help you get your accounts sorted, but also change how you approach and handle money once and for all.
Takeaways from the 48 hour personal finance makeover that you can expect:
1. Clear goals - These goals will motivate you to take action in your financial life.
2. Assist to correctly Allocate spending so you reach your goals more quickly!
3. Learn how to change your money mindset and create powerful money mantras
4. Learning to take inventory of your assets (and liabilities) - this will help you know what you have and where
5. Learn how to simplify your personal finances!
6. Learn how to set achievable self payments and stay consistent
Still feeling stuck? Book your first Free 30 minute discovery call - here
I will help you to take control of your money and help you create the financial future you deserve.